
How To Find Ip Address On Domain_6

IP Lookup

My IP Address

Get detailed info on any IP address or domain

  • Domain
  • IP address
  • Device proper noun
  • Location
  • Browser
  • User-Amanuensis
  • JavaScript
  • Screen resolution


It is the name of a website. The domain proper noun is a distinctive address that internet users can follow to admission your website.

IP address

This is a unique identifier for your device on the network. IP allows your figurer or phone to connect to a local network or the internet and interact with other devices and servers.

Device name

Each device is assigned a unique name one time an operating system is installed on it. It can exist used as a substitute for IP on a local network — you can use both its proper noun and IP address to refer to a particular reckoner.


The IP address can hands help y'all find the location of your device on the map. Location-based services use special databases to determine the region, state, and city of your device. Only in fact, they evidence the location of the internet service provider, non the device.


The tool provides data virtually the web browser — its name (for example, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) and version.


This software acts on the network on behalf of the user. It sends a request to the server and simultaneously requests access to the site. The User-Agent clarification contains the post-obit information:

  1. Browser name and version.
  2. Operating organization version.
  3. Installed software.


This parameter indicates whether JavaScript is enabled in your browser. JavaScript is used to brand the site interactive. If for some reason information technology is disabled, the functionality of the page may be limited.


This parameter shows whether cookies in your browser are enabled or disabled. Servers put cookies on the user'south computer to relieve user data and speed up page loading. They are activated every time a user makes a return visit to a website.

Screen resolution

The tool shows the size of the image that is displayed on your device screen in pixels. Browsers collect such technical data near devices and then that websites tin conform pages for the specific characteristics of various screens.

What is an IP address

IP stands for Cyberspace Protocol. The IP address is an identifier for a device on the net or local network. It allows for the transfer of information between devices on the network.

The accost is a string of numbers, separated past colons or dots (depending on the protocol version). Information technology consists of two parts: the network number and the host number. The offset is used to recognize the network on which the device is located, while the second one is used to identify a specific device on this network.

For example or 1001:0DB1:AA10:0001:0010:0010:0010:00FB. These are two IP addresses that utilise different IP versions.

All IP addresses are assigned past the Net Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and and then reassigned by providers to their customers.

What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6

IPv6 and IPv4 are different versions of the Internet Protocol.


The fourth version of IP has been in operation since 1982 and is however the principal protocol used on the net today. There are more than four billion addresses in the IPv4 address pool, but due to the development of the net and the growth of traffic, this number is not enough.

The length of the IPv4 accost space is 32 $.25. The address consists of 4 parts separated by dots. The total range of IP addressing ranges from to

For example:


This is a new protocol that replaces the 4th version. It solves the problem of lack of IP addresses as information technology can provide an almost infinite number of device addresses.

The primary difference between IPv6 and IPv4 is the length of the accost space — 128 $.25 instead of 32.

IPv6 consists of eight groups, separated by colons. Dissimilar IPv4, this version uses not only numeric merely also alphabetic addressing methods

For example: 1001: 2db2: 33a3: 0000: 0000: 4a4e: 5555: 6666.

What an IP Address can tell about you and your location

The IP address can reveal some data about your device: computer name, name, and version of the net browser, User-Agent, screen resolution, provider, and location.

Geolocation is limited to country, surface area, and city. The exact habitation address will not exist revealed. It can only be revealed past your internet access provider and only in infrequent cases, for example, upon request from police force enforcement agencies./p>

What is the difference betwixt searching by IP and by domain

You tin employ one of the available options depending on the purpose of the search. Y'all tin can await upward any IP by inserting its address into the search box. When entering an IP address, most users want to observe out what the specific details of their device are — location or screen resolution. Search by domain is often used by SEO specialists for various tasks, and our tool allows you to observe information most whatsoever domain. Either way, you lot will receive the aforementioned information: the IP address, computer name, location, browser, User-Agent, JavaScript, Cookie, screen resolution.

How authentic is the IP check

Our IP scanner provides accurate information about the IP address. When you visit any site, the router makes a request and discloses its IP accost to the site. Therefore, this information can be available for whatever website you access. This is how our tool recognizes your IP address. Moreover, the tool uses special databases to find additional data, for example, about the location. Data about the screen resolution, JavaScript, and Cookie is provided by the browser itself.

How IP addresses work

Devices use IP addresses to observe each other and exchange information on the net.

This is how it works:

  1. Commencement, the device connects to the internet service provider's network, that is, to its local network.
  2. Then the provider gives the device access to the internet via the router.

This means that your internet traffic goes through the provider's servers.

Why do nosotros need IP addresses

Everything y'all do on the net — from watching a movie to chatting in a messenger — is an exchange of data between servers and devices. Imagine you desire to go to a detail folio on a website. In gild to do this, your computer must contact the server at its accost. The server, in turn, will ship the page back to the address of the device. This data transfer occurs using the addresses of "sender" and "recipient". Therefore, everyone must have a unique IP accost to be identified on the network.

Dynamic and static IP address

Dynamic IP

Dynamic IP address changes every time your device connects to the internet. Devices are assigned with a temporary IP accost, selected by cyberspace providers from the pool of available complimentary IP addresses. Dynamic IPs cannot exist accurately tracked.

A dynamic IP is considered more secure because it is rather hard for hackers to track its changes and exploit it. Also, the provider does not demand to restore the client's IP accost if, for example, they move to a new physical address/location.

Static IP

A static address is assigned to a detail user and does not change, dissimilar a dynamic IP.

Regular users do non demand static IPs. But some companies use information technology when they host their own servers. A static IP ensures that linked websites and emails will take unchanging IP addresses and it would exist possible to track them.

Private and public IP

Everyone who connects to the net has two IP addresses: individual and public. The first ane is used inside the local network while the second is used outside of it — on the cyberspace.

Private IP

A computer, a telephone, a tablet is assigned a unique address within the local network. The router needs to identify every device, so information technology generates private addresses for each one.

With individual IP addresses, devices can communicate with each other within the local network, but they cannot admission the internet. This requires a public IP address.

Public IP

Public (or external) IP is used to connect to the cyberspace. This is the address that sites and users tin can come across and identify.

Each public IP address is unique and cannot be duplicated. Typically, internet service providers have a large puddle of public IP addresses that they assign to their customers, more specifically, to their routers.

The router allows home network devices to use ane public IP address to admission the global network. This means that your laptop and phone that are connected to the same Wi-Fi router will accept the same public IP, simply different private addresses.

How information about IP is used

The IP address is used for many purposes. Allow's accept a await at some of them:

  1. To get your location information. Sometimes websites apply geo-blocking — they limit access to specific pages or content on the website if it is not relevant in a particular state. This approach works both means since some websites use location to prove relevant content. For example, if you lot live in France, Netflix will suggest pop local Goggle box shows and movies. Search engines work in about the same way — results that are most relevant to a specific location have college search positions.
  2. Serving personalized ads. Advertisers use IPs to track user actions and offering the most relevant advertisements. For example, if you have searched for tours to Europe, you lot will run across relevant advertising with suggestions from travel agencies.
  3. Tracking copyright infringers. Some European and American agencies monitor torrents to trace IPs and identify violators.
  4. Theft. This is rather an exception, simply some hackers may steal your IP and sell your stolen information on the darknet.


How to find my IP address?

There are several ways of doing this.

  1. Use special online tools. Our tool allows y'all to quickly become all the necessary data: IP address, geolocation, User-Agent, and much more.
  2. Inquire your provider. Contact technical support or check the "Personal account" department.
  3. Manually. If you are using Windows, go to Command Prompt and blazon ipconfig to launch a special console application. On macOS, but open up Arrangement Preferences.

What is my public IP?

The public IP address is used to place your device on the internet. It is assigned by your internet access provider, is unique and cannot be repeated.

You can use our tool to find out what your public IP address is.

What is my IP location?

The IP address can assistance place the guess location of your device. Services use special databases to determine the location: land, area, and urban center.

Learn your location with our IP address tool — just check the detailed data to a higher place.

How is an IP address assigned to a device?

The IP address is assigned to every device: reckoner, phone, hosting server, router, printer. This is how it works:

  1. The global authorisation — Net Assigned Numbers Authorisation — distributes a pool of addresses amidst internet service providers.
  2. The providers register networks on their routers.
  3. When a user contacts a provider, the provider assigns them an IP accost through which they connect to the cyberspace.

Who can employ my IP accost?

Search engines frequently utilize IP addresses to display relevant search results for your location and language.

Websites use IPs to display region-specific content or prevent you from accessing pages or content that are not intended for your region.

Advertisers use IP data to track users and show them the most relevant ads.

Can I change my IP address?

You tin can change the private IP that is used in your local network to connect to the router. Y'all can do it past irresolute the router settings through the Windows Control Panel or MacOS Network Panel.

If you lot need to change the public IP address that is used to access the internet, contact your isp.

How to hide an IP address?

Use a proxy server or VPN. That mode, you tin can hibernate your IP address when you go online.

Hither's how it works: your net traffic goes through a separate server that processes and frontwards information technology to the network. Websites will see only the IP address of the intermediate server, not your figurer.

How to check VPN location?

Log into your VPN provider's business relationship, select the VPN server and connect to it. Then get to the IP checker tool. It will evidence your new VPN accost, location, and other data.

What is my IPv4?

IPv4 is the 4th version of the Cyberspace Protocol and its length is 32 bits. Your IP address consists of 4 parts, separated by a menstruum and it looks like this:

To find detailed information about your IPv4, just enter information technology into the special field at the top of this folio.

What is my IPv6?

IPv6 is the sixth version of the net protocol and this 128-bit protocol can provide an virtually infinite number of addresses. Information technology consists of eight groups, separated past colons. For case, 1002:0db3:45a6:0000:0000:7a8e:9460:5334.

Can I exist tracked past IP address?

It is nearly incommunicable to determine the exact abode accost by IP. All specialized tools tin can show your location merely at the city level. Websites can see the accost of your net provider's DNS server as your IP accost.

The only way to get personal data is to request information technology directly from your provider. But this is possible but in boggling cases, for case, by police enforcement agencies.

Is it dangerous if someone knows my IP accost?

IP addresses tin prove just estimate location, data well-nigh the provider, your web browser, and other technical characteristics. It is almost impossible to learn the exact domicile address or your personal information.

How to get the IP address of a website?

Just use our tool. Enter the site domain and click on the "Check IP" push. In a few seconds, you will receive detailed information near the IP address.

You can get fifty-fifty more than information past using our Whois Tool. It provides data virtually the registration date and age of the domain.

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