
How To Find The Right Career For Me

Anybody says information technology'southward important to find a job you're good at, simply no-1 tells you how to do so.

The standard advice is to recall virtually it for weeks and weeks until you "discover your talent". To help, career advisers give you quizzes about your interests and preferences. Others recommend yous become on a gap yah, reflect deeply, imagine different options, and try to figure out what truly motivates you…then chunder everywah.

Merely as we saw in an earlier article, becoming actually good at well-nigh things takes decades of practise. So to a big degree your abilities are congenital rather than "discovered". Darwin, Lincoln, JK Rowling and Oprah all failed early in their career, so went on to completely dominate their fields. Albert Einstein's 1895 schoolmaster's written report reads, "He volition never amount to annihilation."

Request "what am I good at?" needlessly narrows your options. Information technology's meliorate to ask: "what could I get good at?"

That aside, the bigger problem is that these methods don't work. Plenty of research shows that it'southward actually hard to predict what you'll exist expert at ahead of time, peculiarly just by "going with your gut", and it turns out career tests don't work either.

Instead, the best way to find the right career for yous is to go investigate – learn virtually and effort out your options, looking outwards rather than inwards. Hither we'll explain why and how.

Update 2021: This article is part of our 2017 career guide. We yet agree with the substance of the advice, but if nosotros were writing information technology today, nosotros'd place a little less emphasis on aiming to effort out lots of options, and a little more accent on (i) trying to make better predictions, and and then (two) pursuing the path that offers the most upside right away (though with a backup plan). You can see our latest advice in our career planning procedure, especially the sections on assessing your fit, picking a strategic focus and why to directly pursue your pinnacle long-term paths.

Reading time: xx minutes.

The bottom line

  • Your degree of personal fit in a job depends on your chances of excelling in the job, if you work at it. Personal fit is even more important than most people think, because it increases your touch, job satisfaction and career capital letter.
  • Research shows that it's really hard to work out what yous're going to be good at ahead of time, particularly through self-reflection.
  • Instead, get investigate. After an initial cut-downwards of your options, learn more than and and then try them out.
  • Minimise the costs of trying out your options by doing cheap tests beginning (usually beginning past speaking to people), then trying your options in the best order (e.g. business jobs before nonprofit jobs).
  • Keep adapting your plan over fourth dimension. Retrieve like a scientist investigating a hypothesis.

Tabular array of Contents

  • 1 Beingness good at your task is more important than you think
  • 2 Why cocky-reflection, going with your gut and career tests don't work
    • 2.1 Performance is hard to predict alee of time
    • 2.2 Don't go with your gut
    • 2.iii Why career tests also don't work
  • 3 What does piece of work when finding out where you lot'll excel? Trying things out.
  • 4 In your early career, exploration is even more important
  • 5 How to narrow down your options
    • five.1 1. Make a big list of options.
    • 5.2 two. Rank your options.
    • 5.3 3. Write out your key uncertainties
    • 5.iv 4. Practise some initial research.
  • half-dozen How to explore: cheap tests first
  • 7 How to explore: lodge your options well
    • 7.1 i. Explore before graduate report rather than later on
    • vii.2 2. Put "reversible" options outset
    • vii.3 three. Choose options that let you experiment
    • 7.iv 4. Try on the side
    • vii.5 5. Continue edifice flexible career capital letter
  • 8 Jess – a case written report in exploring
  • ix Utilize this to your ain career: how to explore
  • 10 Conclusion
  • xi New to fourscore,000 Hours?

Beingness skillful at your task is more than of import than yous think

Everyone agrees that it's important to find a task you're good at. But we call up it's even more important than most people think, especially if you care near social bear on.

First, the most successful people in a field account for a disproportionately large fraction of the impact. A landmark study of expert performers constitute that:one

A small percent of the workers in whatever given domain is responsible for the bulk of the work. Generally, the summit 10% of the nearly prolific elite can be credited with effectually fifty% of all contributions, whereas the bottom 50% of the least productive workers tin can merits only 15% of the total piece of work, and the most productive contributor is usually well-nigh 100 times more prolific than the least.

So, if you were to plot degree of success on a graph, it would look similar this:

Log-normal distribution of success of workers in a field

It's the same spiked shape as the graphs we've seen several times before in this guide.

In the article on high impact jobs, we saw this in action with areas like research and advocacy. In research, for instance, the top 0.1% of papers receive 1,000 times more than citations than the median.

These are areas where the outcomes are peculiarly skewed, simply a major study notwithstanding establish that the best people in most any field have significantly more than output than the typical person. The more than complex the domain, the more pregnant the effect, so it's especially noticeable in professional person jobs like management, sales, and medicine.

Now, some of these differences are just due to luck: even if everyone were an equally expert fit, there could notwithstanding exist big differences in outcomes just because some people happen to get lucky while others don't. However, some component is virtually certainly due to skill, and this means that you'll have much more impact if y'all cull an area where you enjoy the work and accept adept personal fit.

Second, even if you don't want to contribute directly, being successful in your field gives yous more career uppercase, which can open up high-touch options later. It also gives you influence and money, which can be used to promote skilful causes. Remember of the case of Bono switching into advocacy for global poverty.

Third, existence good at your job and gaining a sense of mastery is a vital component of being satisfied in your work. We covered this in the first article.

Quaternary, as we saw earlier, the jobs that are to the lowest degree likely to be automatic are those that involve loftier-level skills, and technology is increasing the rewards for being a top performer.

All this is why personal fit is one of the key factors to expect for in a job. Nosotros think of "personal fit" as your chances of excelling at a job, if you lot work at it.

If nosotros put together everything we've covered and then far in the guide, this would exist our formula for a perfect chore:

The personal fit multiplier

If you're comparing ii career options, you lot can use these factors to make a side-by-side comparison (read more).

Personal fit is like a multiplier of everything else, and this means it's probably more important than the other three factors. So, nosotros'd never recommend taking a "high touch on" task that yous'd exist bad at. Just how can you figure out where you'll have the best personal fit?

Hopefully you accept some ideas for long-term options (from earlier in the guide). At present we'll explain how to narrow them down, and find the right career for y'all.

(Advanced bated: if you're working as part of a community, and then your comparative advantage compared to other people in the community is as well important. Read more.)

Why self-reflection, going with your gut and career tests don't piece of work

Note that after we wrote this commodity, an updated version of the meta-analysis we cite below was released. The results (in table ii) were similar except that piece of work sample tests seem less promising (though 'task tryout procedures', 'peer ratings' and 'job knowledge tests' remain adequately good and are similar to work samples); and interviews seem more promising. This could suggest a somewhat greater focus on predicting your performance ahead of time past speaking to managers in the relevant path. We hope to practise a more thorough review of this research in the future.

Performance is hard to predict ahead of time

When thinking well-nigh which career to take, our first instinct is often to turn inwards rather than outwards: "become with your gut" or "follow your heart".

These approaches presume you can work out what you're going to be expert at ahead of time. But in fact, you lot can't.

Here's the best report nosotros've been able to find then far on how to predict operation in different jobs. Information technology's a meta-analysis of selection tests used past employers, cartoon on hundreds of studies performed over 85 years.ii Here are some of the results:

None of the tests are very skilful. A correlation of 0.5 is pretty weak, then even if you endeavor to predict using the all-time bachelor techniques, you lot're going to be "wrong" much of the time: candidates that look bad will often turn out good, and vice versa. Anyone who's hired people before will tell you that's exactly what happens, and there is some systematic evidence for this 3.

Because hiring is then expensive, employers really want to pick the best candidates and they know exactly what the task requires. If fifty-fifty they, using the all-time available tests, can't figure out who's going to perform best in advance, y'all probably don't have much take chances.

Oprah at first failed in TV
Oprah worked as a Tv news ballast early in her career, eventually getting fired and being told she was "unfit for TV". At present she'southward ane of the most successful Telly presenter of all time.

Don't go with your gut

If you were to try to predict performance in advance, "going with your gut" isn't the best way to do it. Inquiry in the science of decision-making collected over several decades shows that intuitive decision-making only works in certain circumstances.

For example, your gut instinct can tell you very rapidly if someone is angry with you. This is because our brain is biologically wired to apace warn u.s. when in danger.

Your gut can also be amazingly accurate when trained. Chess masters have an astonishingly good intuition for the all-time moves, and this is because they've trained their intuition past playing lots of like games, and built up a sense of what works and what doesn't.

However, gut conclusion-making is poor when it comes to working out things like how fast a business volition abound, who will win a football game lucifer, and what grades a student will receive. Earlier, we also saw that our intuition is poor at working out what will make us happy. This is all considering our untrained gut instinct makes lots of mistakes, and in these situations information technology'due south hard to train it to do improve.

Career controlling is more like these examples than existence a chess grandmaster. Information technology's hard to train our gut instinct when:

  1. The results of our decisions have a long time to arrive.
  2. We have few opportunities to practice.
  3. The situation keeps changing.

This is exactly the situation with career choices: we merely make a couple of major career decisions in our life, it takes years to see the results, and the chore market keeps changing.

This all means your gut tin can give you clues about the all-time career. Information technology can tell y'all things like "I don't trust this person" or "I'm not excited by this project". But yous tin't simply "become with your gut".

In field later on field, gut judgement is existence replaced past approaches to predicting success that actually work. Moneyball tells the story of how information hungry analysts overturned traditional baseball talent scouting, which was based on gut feeling and untested metrics.

(See our evidence review for more detail. We besides recommend the fantastic book, Thinking Fast and Deadening past Daniel Kahneman.)

Why career tests besides don't work

Many career tests are built on "Holland types" or something similar. These tests classify you lot every bit one of half-dozen "Holland-types", like "creative" or "enterprising". And then they recommend careers that lucifer that blazon. Withal, nosotros tin meet from the tabular array that "Holland-type match" is very weakly correlated with performance. It'south also barely correlated with chore satisfaction. So that's why nosotros don't recommend traditional career tests.

What does work when finding out where you lot'll excel? Trying things out.

In the table to a higher place, the tests that best predict operation are those that are closest to actually doing the piece of work (with the interesting exception of IQ). This is probably what we should have expected.

A work sample test is simply doing some of the piece of work, and having the results evaluated by someone experienced. Peer ratings measure what your peers think of your performance (and and so tin can merely be used for internal promotions). Job tryout procedures and job noesis tests are what they sound like.

And then if you're choosing between several options, information technology's helpful to do your inquiry ahead of time. Only eventually you need to really effort things. The closer you tin can get to actually doing the piece of work, the better. For example, if y'all're considering doing economics research, actually effort some enquiry and see how well you lot practice, rather than simply think almost how much you enjoy studying it – studying a subject is very different from actually doing enquiry.

This is true whether you're at the starting time of your career or about the cease, and whether you're planning what to do long-term, comparing 2 offers, or considering quitting your task.

And so, if in that location's a job you're interested in, see if there'southward a style to endeavor information technology out alee of time. If you're because three long-term options and aren't sure which to take, see if yous can try out each of them over the coming years.

If you're choosing which eating house to consume at, the stakes aren't high plenty to warrant much research. But a career determination volition influence decades of your life, so could easily be worth weeks or months of piece of work.

In your early on career, exploration is even more than important

Early on y'all know relatively little about your strengths and options. One time yous've spent a few years learning more, you'll be able to brand meliorate decisions over the coming decades. It's better to do this exploration early, if possible, then you tin employ the lessons later.

Also consider trying one or two wildcards to further broaden your feel. These are unusual options off the normal path, like living in a new country, pursuing an unusual side projection or trying a sector you would have not commonly have worked in (e.g. government, nonprofits, social enterprise).

Many successful people did exactly that. Tony Blair worked every bit a rock music promoter before going into politics. As we saw, Condoleezza Rice was a classical musician before she entered politics, while Steve Jobs even spent a twelvemonth in India on acrid, and considered moving to Japan to become a zen monk. That's some serious "exploration".

Today, information technology's widely accepted that many people will work in several sectors and roles across their lifetime. The typical 25 to 34-year-erstwhile changes jobs every three years,4 and changes are not uncommon subsequently too.

Trying out lots of options can also help you avert one of the biggest career mistakes: considering as well few options. We've met lots of people who stumbled into paths like PhDs, medicine or law because they felt like the default at the fourth dimension, but who, if they had considered more options, could easily have found something that fit them meliorate. Pushing yourself to effort out several areas will help you lot to avoid this error. Endeavor to settle on a unmarried goal too early, however, and you could miss a neat option.

All this said, exploring can nonetheless be costly. Trying out a chore tin accept several years, and irresolute task likewise oft makes you look flaky. How tin you explore, while keeping the costs low?

Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice was an achieved classical musician before she transferred into politics. And even she tin can't beat Steve Jobs for exploration – he seriously considered becoming a zen monk before going into technology.

How to narrow down your options

You tin can't effort everything, so earlier you explore, we demand to cutting your long-term options down to a shortlist. How best to narrow down? Since gut determination making is unreliable, it helps to be a picayune systematic.

Many people turn to pro and con lists, but these have some weaknesses. First, in that location's no guarantee that the pros and cons that come to mind will be the about important aspects of the conclusion. Second, pro and con lists don't strength you to look for disconfirming evidence or generate more options, and these are some of the nigh powerful means to make better decisions. It's easy to use lists of pros and cons to rationalise what you already believe.

Hither's the process we recommend for narrowing down. It's based on a literature review of conclusion making science and what has worked well in one-on-one advising. Yous tin besides use information technology when you lot need to compare options to shortlist, or compare your current chore against alternatives.

1. Make a big list of options.

Write out your initial list, including both what problem you want to focus on and what office you want e.g. economics researcher focusing on global health; marketing for a meat substitutes visitor, earning to give as a software engineer.

So force yourself to come with more. You can observe ideas in our previous articles. But here are some questions to assistance you think of more than:

  1. If you couldn't take whatsoever of the options on your first list, what would you exercise?
  2. If money were no object, what would you do?
  3. What do your friends advise?
  4. (If already with feel) how could you use your almost valuable career upper-case letter?
  5. Tin can y'all combine your options to make the best of both worlds?
  6. Can you detect any more opportunities through your connections?

ii. Rank your options.

Start by making an initial guess of how they rank.

If you have more time, so score your options from one to five, based on:

  1. Touch on
  2. Personal fit
  3. Supportive conditions for job satisfaction
  4. Whatsoever other factors that are important to yous.
  5. Career capital, if you're considering options for the next few years (rather than your long-term aims).

Here are some questions you lot can use to do the assessment, and a worksheet. Doing this ensures that y'all're focusing on the most important factors.

And then, effort to cut downwardly to a shortlist. Eliminate the options that are worse on all factors than some other ("dominated options"), and those that are very poor on one gene. You tin add together upwards all your scores to go a very rough ranking of options. If ane of your results seems odd, try to understand why. For each option, inquire "why might I exist wrong?" and conform your ranking. This is a very useful mode to reduce bias.

3. Write out your key uncertainties

What data could most easily change your ranking? If you lot could become the answer to ane question, which question would be virtually useful? Write these out. For instance, "Can I get a place on Teach for America?", "Would I enjoy programming?" or "How pressing is global poverty compared to open science?".

If you're stuck, imagine y'all had to decide your career in just one weekend – what would you do in that time to brand the right choice?

iv. Do some initial research.

Can yous quickly piece of work out any of these cardinal uncertainties? For instance, if yous're unsure whether you lot'd enjoy being a data scientist, can yous become and talk to someone about what it'south like? Or is there something you could read, similar one of our career reviews?

At this signal, yous might take a articulate winner, in which instance you can skip the adjacent office. Most people, however, end up with a couple of alternatives that look pretty good. At that point, it's time to explore. But how best to practise that?

If yous want a more detailed version of the procedure but above, effort our decision tool:

Determination tool

There's a lot more than to say about how to make good decisions, some of which we cover in an upcoming commodity.

How to explore: inexpensive tests first

We ofttimes observe people who want to attempt out economics, so they go and employ for a Principal'southward course. Just that's a huge investment. Instead, recollect about how you can learn more with the least possible effort: "cheap tests".

The aim is to get as shut equally possible to really doing the piece of work, but with the smallest possible investment of time.

You can remember of making a "ladder" of tests. For instance, if you're interested in policy advising, hither are the steps you might take:

  • Read our relevant career reviews and practise some Google searches to learn the nuts (1-2h).
  • Then the adjacent about useful affair y'all can commonly do is to speak to someone in the area. The correct person tin give yous far more up-to-date and personalised information than what yous'll be able to find written down (2h).
  • Speak to three more than people who piece of work in the area and read one or two books (20h). You could likewise consider speaking to a careers adviser who specialises in this area. During this, also discover out the well-nigh effective way for yous to enter the area, given your groundwork. Behave in mind that when yous're talking to these people, they are also informally interviewing you – run into our advice on preparing for interviews in a later on article.
  • Now await for a projection that might take i-4 weeks of work, similar volunteering on a political campaign, or starting a weblog on the policy area you want to focus on. If you've done the previous stride, you'll know what'southward best.
  • Just at present consider taking on a 2-24 month commitment, like a short work placement, internship or graduate study. At this point, being offered a trial position with an organisation for a couple of months tin really exist an reward, because information technology means both parties volition make an endeavour to apace appraise your fit.

At each point, you lot'd re-evaluate whether policy advising was one of your most promising options, and only keep to the next step if information technology was.

How to explore: order your options well

You can gain more opportunities to explore if you put your options in the right order.

one. Explore before graduate study rather than after

In the couple of years right subsequently you lot graduate, people give you license to attempt out something more unusual – for instance starting a business, living away, or working at a nonprofit. Yous're non expected to have your career figured out right away.

If information technology doesn't go well, you can apply the "graduate school reset": practise a Masters, MBA, police force degree, or PhD, and then return to the traditional path.

We see lots of people rushing into graduate school or other conventional options correct after they graduate, missing one of their all-time opportunities to explore.

In item, it'south worth exploring earlier a PhD rather than subsequently. At the end of a PhD information technology's hard to leave academia. This is considering going from a PhD to a post-doc, so into a permanent academic position is very competitive, and information technology's very unlikely you'll succeed if you don't focus 100% on research. So, if you lot're unsure about academia, try out alternatives earlier your PhD if possible.

ii. Put "reversible" options first

For case, it's easier to get from a position in business to a nonprofit task than vice versa, and then if you're unsure between the two, take the business position first.

3. Choose options that permit y'all experiment

An alternative approach is to take a job that lets you endeavour out several areas by:

  • Letting yous work in a diversity of industries. Freelance and consulting positions are peculiarly good.
  • Letting you practice many different skills. Jobs in modest companies are oftentimes especially good on this front.
  • Giving yous the gratis time and free energy to explore other things outside of work.

4. Try on the side

If you're already in a job, call back of means to endeavor out a new option on the side. Could you do a short only relevant project in your spare time, or in your existing job? At the very least, speak to lots of people in the job.

If y'all're a student, try to do as many internships and summer projects as possible. Your university holidays are i of the best opportunities in your life to explore.

5. Keep building flexible career capital

If you're unsure, keep building flexible career upper-case letter. That fashion, no matter how things turn out, you'll still be in a better position in the future.

Jess – a case study in exploring

"80,000 Hours has nothing short of revolutionised the mode I think about my career."

Read Jess's story

Jess portrait photo

When Jess graduated from maths and philosophy a couple of years agone, she was interested in academia and leaned towards studying philosophy of mind, but was concerned that it would have niggling bear upon.

So the year later on she graduated, she spent several months working in finance. She didn't remember she'd enjoy it, and she turned out to be right, so she felt confident eliminating that option. She also spent several months working in nonprofits, and reading about different research areas.

Well-nigh importantly, she spoke to loads of people, especially in the areas of academia she was nigh interested in. This somewhen led to her being offered to study a PhD in psychology, focused on how to ameliorate determination-making by policy makers.

During her PhD, she did an internship at a leading evidence-based policy think tank, and started writing about psychology for an online newspaper. This meant that she was exploring the 'public intellectual' side of existence an academic, and the option of going into policy.

At the end of her PhD, she can either keep in academia, or switch into policy or writing. She could also probably become back to finance or the nonprofit sector. Near importantly, she'll have a far better idea of which options are best.

Apply this to your own career: how to explore

  1. Use the narrowing down procedure in a higher place to cut your options down to a shortlist of 3 to five.
  2. For each option in your shortlist, write out i or two cheap tests that you could do over the adjacent three months.
  3. So, if you wanted to try out your remaining top options, what would the best guild be? Consider just spending several years trying out dissimilar areas.
  4. When yous need to make your final decision, you tin use the narrowing down process again.
  5. If yous'd like to notice out more than about how to make practiced decisions and predictions, we recommend Decisive by Bit and Dan Heath, and Superforecasting past Philip Tetlock.


We like to imagine nosotros can work out what nosotros're skillful at through reflection, in a flash of insight. But that's non how it works.

Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize both in Physics and in Chemistry
Think like a scientist when information technology comes to choosing a career: create and dominion out hypotheses, rather than trying to figure out your "calling" in advance.

Rather, it'due south more similar a scientist testing a hypothesis. Yous have ideas about what you tin become adept at (hypotheses), which you can exam out (experiments). Recollect you could exist good at writing? Then commencement blogging. Think y'all'd hate consulting? At to the lowest degree speak to a consultant.

If you don't already know your "calling" or your "passion", that'south normal. It's too difficult to predict which career is right for you when you're starting out.

Instead, go and try things. You'll learn as yous go, heading step-by-step towards a fulfilling career.

Now, once y'all've chosen an expanse, how can you ensure you lot succeed? That's what we comprehend in the next commodity. After that, we'll show how to fit everything together into a career programme.

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Read next: Function 9: Evidence-based communication on how to succeed in any task

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Or see an overview of the whole 2017 career guide.

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