
how to find the height of a rectangle

Rectangular Prism Computer (Cuboid)

Rectangular Prism Calculator


full surface surface area

Stot =

lateral area

Slat =

bottom surface area

Sbot =

Rectangular Prism Shape

Rectangular Solid Diagram with l = length, h = height, w = width and d = diagonal

fifty = length
w = width
h = height
d = diagonal
Stot = full surface surface area
Southlat = lateral surface area
Stop = top surface surface area
Sbot = bottom surface area
V = volume

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Enter whatsoever three variables for a rectangular prism into this online calculator to calculate the other 3 unknown variables. A cube is a special case where l = w = h for a rectangular prism.

Units: Note that units are shown for convenience just practise not affect the calculations. The units are in identify to give an indication of the order of the results such as ft, ft2 or ft3. For instance, if you are starting with mm and you know h, l and west in mm, your calculations will result with d in mm, S in mm2 and V in mm3.

Formulas for a rectangular prism:

  • Volume of Rectangular Prism:
    • 5 = lwh
  • Surface Surface area of Rectangular Prism:
    • South = 2(lw + lh + wh)
  • Space Diagonal of Rectangular Prism: (similar to the altitude between ii points)
    • d = √(502 + w2 + h2)

A cube is a special case where l = w = h. And so you can find the book of a cube or area of a cube by setting these values equal to each other.

Calculations for a rectangular prism:

ane. Given the length, width and height find the volume, surface expanse and diagonal of a rectangular prism

  • h, l and due west are known; observe V, S and d
  • V = lwh
  • S = two(lw + lh + wh)
  • d = √(502 + due westii + h2)

ii. Given the area, length and width discover the summit, volume and diagonal of a rectangular prism

  • S, 50 and westward are known; detect h, 5 and d
  • h = (Due south - 2lw) / (2l + 2w)
  • V = lwh
  • d = √(l2 + w2 + h2)

3. Given the book, length and width find the height, surface surface area, and diagonal of a rectangular prism

  • V, l and westward are known; notice h, South and d
  • h = V / lw
  • S = ii(lw + lh + wh)
  • d = √(l2 + due west2 + h2)

4. Given the diagonal, length and width find the height, book and expanse of a rectangular prism

  • d, l and westward are known; find h, V and Due south
  • h = √(dtwo - 502 - w2)
  • V = lwh
  • S = two(lw + lh + wh)

For more data on cuboids see: Weisstein, Eric W. "Cuboid." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resources, Cuboid.

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