
How To Find Out Your Property Line

Wondering how to find your property line? If so, y'all're not lone. While you're unlikely to do this frequently, the demand arises when building a fence or extending your driveway. Read on to learn how to notice yours.

Disclaimer: The data included in this post is for informational purposes only and should not exist taken every bit legal, financial, or DIY communication. Nosotros highly suggest consulting a professional before attempting whatever DIY home improvements or repairs.

Why Finding Property Lines Is Important

Image showing why you should know how to find your property line with a barbed wire fence by a mowed field

David Prahl/Shutterstock

If you desire to practise whatsoever kind of landscaping or home renovation on your belongings, you take to know exactly where your property ends. That ways knowing how to find your property line. Holding lines are the specific, legal boundaries between plots of country owned by different individuals or businesses.

In that location is no set size or shape for public or personal holding, given that there are no two identical plots of land. This tin make finding where your state ends and another begins somewhat disruptive.

If you're non certain where to plough earlier starting your renovation or building projection, or if you lot're just curious nigh whether you or your neighbor own that tree in the corner of the g, here'southward everything yous demand to know most locating your holding's boundaries.

How to Discover Your Property Line in 5 Steps

To find your property line, follow these five steps.

  • Consult your deed for details of your belongings'southward boundaries.
  • Appraise a plat map of the area to verify the deed's data or discover information non covered in older deeds.
  • Look for natural, temporary, and permanent land markers at the edge of your holding.
  • If you cannot find any markers, hire a surveyor to look over your land.
  • Update your personal records at the end of the procedure.

If you follow these steps, you should have an exact placement for your property lines. Finding your property line is actually relatively simple. Though the process will vary depending on your individual property's size and location, and the state of your records, in that location are a few mutual things you tin practise to observe your property line.

Step 1: Bank check Your Act

Image showing how to find your property line from your deed

Matt Benoit/Shutterstock

A skillful place to start when looking for your belongings line is the deed to your state. Every bit a binding legal document recording your holdings, a deed should list the exact boundaries of the property in some style. If it doesn't, it will refer to a unlike certificate that does have those measurements.

If your deed does refer to a dissimilar document, it may be slightly out of date. Then, it might describe landmarks that no longer exist. If this is the instance, you'll want to check a more upward-to-date document.

Step ii: Look at Your Plat Map

How to find your property line using a plat map featuring such a map with a river running through the middle


A plat map, too called a property line map, describes the boundaries of different properties in a certain area while also offering topographical information similar superlative, the presence of water, and other long-term structures.

There are five different kinds of plat maps , simply the ones you'll need to detect your holding lines are subdivision and consolidation plat maps. These evidence the dividing of a single parcel, or property, into smaller pieces or the uniting of small parcels into larger land groups, respectively. You may also consult amending plats, which show small corrections that take been fabricated.

They're normally reasonably upwardly-to-date, with some counties renewing them every year . This does change from canton to canton, though, and then be sure to verify that you take the nigh contempo map available to you.

You should have a copy of at least one of these maps in your records. If not, you tin can request them from your local assessor'due south office. In some cases, you can fifty-fifty asking them online. Y'all tin can usually do this through your local government'due south state records, building, or taxation department.

Step 3: Look for Property Markers

Yellow metal property line marker in the grass for a piece on how to find your property lines


As mentioned above, some properties have obvious landmarks such as streets or rivers equally their limits. When this is not the case, surveyors will often leave behind bogus marks as a tape of where your property ends. These come up in two main forms.

The showtime kind of holding mark is a temporary flag. These pocket-size, brightly colored flags are designed to be easily spotted and are usually quite fragile. They are only intended to mark off an area for a short time until a more permanent method is installed. If you've had a survey done recently, you may have flags.

The 2d kind is permanent markers. Though they can be fabricated of wood or concrete, the almost mutual property markers are metallic stakes. These markers are thicker rods of steel or another durable metal that are driven into the footing and either completely buried or left with a pocket-sized, colored cap sticking out of the footing.

If yous oasis't had a survey washed recently, then these are the most probable markers to look for. Consider going to the likely edge of your holding, as designated by your deed and plat map, and using a metal detector to discover these markers. Dig down to verify the marker if you tin't see a cap.

Stride iv: Become Your Land Surveyed

Two guys in white hard hats and yellow vests surveying property lines

Sorn340 Studio Images/Shutterstock

If you're unable to find whatever property markers on your country's border, then it may be time to phone call in a new survey. This means contacting a land surveyor, either direct or through your mortgage or title company.

Licensed surveyors are trained to make verbal measurements of your property using specialized equipment, basing their surveys on the existing legal data. These surveyors tin either exist government-sponsored or hired by real estate companies to assess properties prior to their sale.

Hiring a state surveyor can exist relatively expensive. According to Home Counselor , the whole projection will cost, on average, between $347 and $680, with higher prices for larger plots of land or more populous areas.

Call back to check that the surveyor you rent is licensed and experienced in working with properties in your surface area. This information should exist freely bachelor upon request, every bit all professional person surveyors need to laissez passer certain exams and be in proficient legal standing with your state's professional board .

Step v: Keep a Record

To help you find a property line, a wooden stick is marked with the line and tied with pink ribbon


One time you've determined your property'southward borders, be sure to asking updated paperwork for your records. Get an updated survey results tape, plat map, and deed – for which yous'll want to consult a legal professional to brand sure it'due south accurate.

Alongside your land records, y'all'll want to go along a copy of your mortgage for the life of your buying of the property. If you've just moved in, you lot should keep a copy of the endmost agreement for at least a twelvemonth after closing. These records tin can be physical or digital, and you should keep a backup as well.

You'll too want to turn in those updated land records to your local government property bureau so that they have them on file. You may also consider sharing the information you've found with your neighbors – particularly the results of any surveys – so that they can accept an up-to-date record of their property as well.

Things to Consider

Piece on how to find your property lines illustrated by 4 little map pins and white dotted lines


In the process of finding your property lines, there are quite a few things to call back. This may exist anything from practical methods of finding the lines to legal considerations related to record-keeping. Consider the following before and during the process:

  • Google Earth used to include a feature that showed the most recent property line records . This feature is no longer bachelor, and the information it showed is considerably out of appointment, making information technology an unreliable source.
  • If you are in the Us, remember to call the national before-you-dig hotline, 811 , for information almost where underground utilities are buried earlier doing whatever excavation on your property. They'll ask for your address and the projection you're planning.
  • There are many free apps you can utilise to run into your holding lines from your phone. These may not be completely accurate, though, and so use them in conjunction with other sources.
  • Once you've found your holding line, ensure that all of your construction is within information technology. Building a construction like a argue directly on the line tin often incur encroachment penalties from your local government.
  • There are many other legal considerations to remember about your property line. Some counties restrict projects based on their size and proximity to other property, while others restrict based on the zoning of the lot. Consult your local law professionals for more than data nearly specific projects y'all plan to accept on.
  • If you are considering selling your property, having an upward-to-date survey tin can help you assess the true value of the country. It volition as well aid your and your buyer's records stay accurate in the case of a dispute.

So, How Do You Notice Your Property Line?

Your property line determines where yous can build, piece of work, and alive your life. Knowing where it is tin can assistance y'all settle or, ideally, avoid disputes with your neighbors and make respecting their land and having them respect yours easier.

Finding your property line doesn't take to be hard. As long as yous check your records, verify your boundaries through old or new surveys, and continue upwards-to-date documentation, yous should be able to find your property lines without much of a problem.

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